Signs Your Child Needs An Eye Exam

Eye exams can be a neglected part of a child's early health care. Parents stay on top of vaccines and even dental visits, but eye exams don't seem as important especially if a child seems to have no problem seeing well. However, there are small signs that can indicate that a young child needs an eye exam because of poor or declining vision. Here are simple things to look for that could indicate your child needs glasses and an evaluation from an eye health professional. 

1. Headaches or Eye Pain

Children who have to strain often experience eye strain. They may not realize that this is the source of their discomfort, but many children may complain that they have a headache.

If this complaint is frequent with no indication of illness, you might consider getting an eye exam to make sure that head pain is not actually caused by muscle strain from always trying to see. 

2. Holding Books and Screens Close to the Face

Children will often pull books, phones, and tablets closer to their faces. Toddlers might do this as a matter of principle. However, if you notice that your child is always moving items closer to their eyes, this behavior might indicate an eye problem.

For example, watch to see if your child leans their head down to the table when drawing or even turns their head slightly to one side to see something you show them, such as a picture on your phone. 

3. Accidents and Increased Clumsiness

Children who have a hard time seeing may have increased clumsiness. It's normal for a child to fall down sometimes or to trip when running. But, it's not normal for a child to run into objects, bump themselves on door frames or furniture, or have trouble seeing objects as they move through the air.

Excessive clumsiness could mean a depth perception problem, trouble focusing the eyes in time to see faster-moving objects, or simple near or farsightedness. 

4. Rubbing, Squinting, and Resting

It's instinctive for children to try and relieve eye pain or eye strain. Your child might sit with their eyes closed for a time. They might rub their eyes frequently during the day, especially when trying to read or watch television.

Finally, squinting can help to bring some objects into focus, so squatting (even when indoors) can be a key sign that your child needs a vision screen. For more information, contact an eye clinic such as Quality Eye Care.
